let’s get started

The process is simple, whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just getting started on your journey. Below, I walk you through the steps I take to get your website up and running. It’s broken down into 3 simple phases, and I will be in communication with you every step of the way.

phase 1 - define it

  1. request a quote

  • request an initial quote by filling out this form

  • it’s ok if you only know some details, just let me know what you do know

  • you’ll hear back from me within 72 hours

  • this is not a final price and there is plenty of room to adjust line-items


2. free 30-minute consultation

  • we’ll chat (virtually) about what you need, the packages available, add-ons, and discuss a tentative timeline and budget

  • check the pricing page so that you know what to expect


3. make it official

  • we both sign a contract including the project scope, deliverables, and final price.

  • 50% of the total is due at this time. The pricing page lists payment methods.

  • a tentative timeline is discussed


phase 2 - build it


4. I work my magic

  • I begin building your website based on the specs in our contract.

  • Any significant changes to project scope at this point will result in additional time and money to complete, but can be discussed.

  • I will be in communication with you throughout the entire process.

  • Any add-ons purchased will be built now so that they can be included in any revisions.


5. revisions, revisions

  • All website plans come with 2 revision sessions (I walk you through the site and you tell me changes you’d like to see)

  • After your revision sessions, you can purchase more if you would like.

  • This is an iterative process, so we’ll do it once, I’ll make the changes, and we’ll do it again.


6. finalize website

  • I will make changes based on your requested revisions and clean up any loose ends

  • the website will be ready to turn over to you

phase 3 - launch it


7. additional add-on’s


  • Add-on’s that haven’t been completed during the build phase will be completed now.

  • I complete the work and get things ready to turn over to you.

  • I store any documents in Dropbox for you to access. You do not need to have your own paid Dropbox storage.


8. project turnover

  • All website packages come with a turnover meeting (length varies based on your package), which includes the following:

    • training on how to use the website and make content changes

    • review of any add-on documents or guides you purchased

    • time for you to ask questions

    • discuss support options for future questions and website changes

  • Once I receive full payment for the project, I’ll transfer ownership of the website to you and launch the website.


9. support


  • if you have this option, i’ll discuss with you how we’ll go about these changes

ready to get started?